Every year each of our Area Teams are asked to put forward their nominations for New Starter of the Year.

Our National and Regional Training Managers then visit each Area’s nominee to select their regional champions based on their skills, attitude, ambitions and personality. 

Head Judge Peter Harris then visits all 10 of the finalists before we announce the winners. This year Peter covered over 3000 miles in less than 2 weeks to visit everyone!

It was a tough call this year as everyone visited was fantastic in their own way, which made it very difficult for the judges to decide on each brand’s winner.

Our 1st Place Winners will receive:

  • £500 tax free prize
  • The legacy trophy to hold for 1 year
  • A replica Trophy to keep
  • Bottle of Champagne 
  • A place on our Honours Board

Our 2nd Place Runner ups will receive:

  • £250 tax free prize 
  • A Trophy to keep

Our 3rd Place Runner ups will receive:

  • £150 tax free prize
  • A Trophy to keep

The Winners Are!

Timpson Winner

Alec Chambers 

Alec  joined Timpson in at the deep end in December in Stevenage and hasn’t looked back. He has taken to watch repairs and hopes to be able to do the hot seat at our Wolverhampton excellence centre soon. He always acknowledges the queue and describes his passion for engaging with his customers as the ‘pageantry’ of Timpson.

Max Winner 

Jamie Beglin 

Jamie got the job with Max through helping a colleague use Photoshop even better, while he was a customer! The job came at a perfect for him and he’s moved south to run Aberdeen Tesco and you can tell all his customers enjoy the banter, joined now eloquently by his own trainee Sueb. 

MoJo Winner 

Karl Brennan 

Karl helped out a friend on a MoJo refit which led to a job offer he couldn’t turn down: I met him in Morrison, he is now part of the area team and busy installing the iSnaps across the area and about to run his first Simply Amazing Course. He talks with everyone and seems to brighten their day.

Congratulations to all of our winners and runners up!